Angel Line Designs
A lit​tle something makes a BIG difference.
​Welcome to Angel Line Designs
​C​ustom Painting by Terri
​Welcome to Angel Line Designs
​C​ustom Painting by Terri

Thank you for visiting Angel Line Designs, my name is Terri and
I am a Decorative Painter, servicing the New York area.
I specialize in window design and painting, walls, murals, lettering, canvas art,
glassware and more.
I offer decorative finishes such as glazing and textures and more, I have an extensive portfolio of finishes.
I also offer Paint Night Parties too.
I take pride in offering you quality service at a reasonable rate.
Click on the links above to navigate my website.
Please contact me via Contact Us link below for a free estimate.
(I do not claim to have designed all artwork. I find inspiration from photos
and others art. I also have clients that give me what they want painted from photos.)
"For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."
-Psalm 91:11